Tag: O365

Find MSI GUID using PowerShell

So a lot of times I am looking for App (MSI) GUID to send an Uninstall command for Apps using Intune or for Detection rules in Intune/SCCM. You have 2 choices. Either you go to registry and find one manually (Pain in the back) or run this small script in PowerShell to find MSI GUID

Intune/Windows 10 Autopilot Firewall exceptions

All the URLs required to be put in Firewall Exception for Autopilot project. Please ask your network Team to allow below URLs for Autopilot. They are all Port 80 and Port 443 over TCP connection unless specified with URL in the list below. e.g. WIP requires port 444. Must have aka.ms*go.microsoft.com Device Authentication login.live.comdmd.metaservices.microsoft.com [used

Clear MS Teams Cache

A lot of people going through Teams crashing issues etc. Unfortunately there is definite solution for this issue except uninstall Office suite and reinstall it. Ideally I wouldn’t do it for corporate environment where 100s of 1000s of users are affected. I have had these issues at a client’s site. Clearing cache for Teams worked