How to use Winget to deploy Apps

Windows Package Manager

A package manager is a set of software tools that help you automate the process of getting software on your machine. This is a new service offered by Microsoft. The Windows Package Manager app repository is hosted in GitHub.

What is WinGet Command-line Utility?

The winget client is the main tool to manage packages on your machine. The winget command-line utility enables installing applications and other packages from the command line.

The Winget is an open-source client designed to manage the application on Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices. The following are the supported Winget command-line options.

install – Installs the given package

show – Shows information about a package

source – Manage sources of packages

search – Find and show basic info of packages

list – Display installed packages

upgrade – Upgrades the given package

uninstall – Uninstalls the given package

hash – Helper to hash installer files

validate – Validates a manifest file

settings – Open settings or set administrator settings

features – Shows the status of experimental features

export – Exports a list of the installed packages

import – Installs all the packages in a file

Windows Package Manager search for an App in Repository. E.g., Adobe Reader DC

To Install a Package using Winget run the below command. You can find commands as well as search for Applications/Packages from the URL

You can deploy Winget Apps using Batch files (Command files) or using PowerShell Script. Batch files can be deployed using Win32App packaging and .PS1 files can be deployed using Win32App or PowerShell Scripts directly.